Discover How To Reduce Stress and Cultivate Calm Everyday

Without Quitting Your Job, Taking a Vacation or Opening a Bottle of Wine

Get Access To: Pause To Prosper: How Busy Women Over 40 Can Cultivate Calm and Reduce Stress

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What You'll Learn With This Free PDF

Secret #1

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Secret #2

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Secret #3

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

About Me! Who Am I?

Hi I’m Kim Fulton,

I’m an Ayurvedic Wellness Coach and creator of The Stress-Less Solution.

I work with busy women over 40 to help them break the cycle of stress in their lives. Because, just like you I had found myself in a constant loop of stress and overwhelm and LONGED to experience more calm, clarity and ease everyday. I spent so much time and energy trying different things that either didn’t work or only worked for a little while and I was exhausted. But, I was determined to find a solution because continuing on, the way things were, was just not an option anymore.

And what’s more, I knew I wasn’t alone. And neither are you! After extensive research and experience, I’m thrilled to be able to share practical and effective solutions that help to break-free of the cycle of stress, anxiety and overwhelm - and create a life of calm, clarity and ease!

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